Many people’s idea of a locksmith is someone who deals only in traditional etched keys, hunched over a spinning machine carving out the edges of a bronze stick. The same people may also believe that modern keys need an entirely different type of professional.
The truth however is that any company that offers locksmith services, is also bound to offer services to repair, replace and copy most types of transponder or remote key. Here we'll go over a list of reasons explaining why you still need a locksmith to help you with modern key problems. Even though it might seem like times have moved on a bit, the fact of the world is, vendors always move with them.
Your key might send a signal to an electrical system now instead of simply fitting into a metal contraption, but that hasn't changed the basic skeleton of most keys made today. The vast majority of automotive ignition keys still require a metal element on them to be etched into a precise shape.
Essentially, modern transponder keys are little more than a traditional metal key, with a radio stuck to it. If these are damaged or lost, it's still a locksmith company you should be looking to call for help.
If you wanted to start training to become a locksmith today, it wouldn't be purely workshops teaching you how to operate etching machines and lathes. You’d be studying electrical engineering, smart technologies and advanced circuitry. For this reason nearly all locksmith companies will have technicians that specialize in transponder key repair and replacement.
Demand for electrical and digital knowledge is growing
If your remote key for your car stops working in the middle of nowhere, or you manage to lock the key inside it, you will be one of thousands of people increasingly having these issues. Transponders are replacing traditional keys, so it's only natural that key experts train to become what's relevant to today's demand. If you're in need of an emergency transponder replacement, our local locksmith company is just one phone call away!